Daily Services
We have daily services Shachrit Minha and Arvit. Scharit services are usually at the same time from week to week . Minha is followed by Arvit and vary based on the time of the year. For this week's hours of services see below.

Shabbat Services
We have beautiful Shabbat in the traditional Sephardic Moroccan Liturgy. Friday evening begins at candle lighting time except in the summer when we start Friday evening services at 6:30 PM . Shachrit Shabbat morning is at 8:15 AM and is always followed by a copious Kiddush

Daf Yomi
Rabbi Joshua Bittan teaches a Daf Yomi class daily after Minha Arvit in the winter and before Minha Arvit in the summer. The class is taught in both Hebrew and English

Jewspace Teen Program
Our Jewspace youth program for youth 14 to 19 meets regularly for social and educational activities. The youth make lasting friendships and strengthen their Jewish Identity

Bar Mitzvah Classes
We provide a Bar Mitzvah class by our sought after Bar Mitzvah teacher Hazzan Shimon Sibony and Em Habanim is a great venue to celebrate this important milestone of coming of age

Post Bar Mitzvah Classes
Rabbi Bittan is available to teach a post Bar Mitzvah class for Bar MItzvah boys in order to give them a well rounded familiarity with basic Torah and Judaism concepts.

Scholarship Fund Program
Our innovative Scholarship program provides assistance to families with the cost of tuition at Jewish day Schools. In order to get an application form, please email scholarships@emhabanim.com

Halacha Hotline
Have an important decision to take and wonder what is the halacha or what is the kashrut status of certain products You may reach Rabbi Bittan by email at Rabbi@emhabanim.com or contact by phone for guidance.

Free Loan Program
Em Habanim maintains a Special fund at the Jewish Free Loan Association and can refer our members for interest free loans based on applicable terms and conditions.

Assistance to the Needy
We have a program to assist member families with holiday expenses and occasional emergencies. Funds are limited but we help when we can.